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QST is the monthly membership journal of ARRL. Each issue is your source for equipment reviews, technical tips, projects, news and so much more!
Even if you don’t receive QST, you can enjoy a sneak peek of what ARRL’s membership journal has to offer. Click on an issue month below to see the cover, the Table of Contents, and the "Second Century" editorial. You can also download and view a free feature article.
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Second Century:How ARRL Functions
Free Article: Saving a 30-Foot Parabolic Dish; Elaine Hambly, KØARR
Second Century: A Callout to Radio Clubs
Free Article: Get Ready for "Ham Radio Open House" on World Ammateur Radio Day 2025; Sierra Harrop, W5DX
Second Century: Time for Shack Automation?
Free Article: Connecting Youth with Ham Radio in the Classroom; Ashley Li and Olivia Wojtczak
Second Century: Living at the Peak: Solar Cycle 25 in 2025
Free Article: Looking at the Sun, John Keating, K7LY
Second Century: Another Auld Lang Syne
Free Article: Worldwide Fun with 100 W and a Dipole; Carl Luetzelsschwab, K9LA
Second Century: The Future of DXCC
Free Article: What Solar Eclipses Have to Tell Us; Gary Mikitin, AF8A, and Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell, W2NAF
Free Article: Power Tool Batteries for Portable or Emergency Operation; Gordon S. Novak, Jr., AF5KA
Second Century: We Need a Reset
Free Article: ARRL's Clean Signal Initiative Adopts Metrics for Transmitter Performance; ARRL CSI Working Group
Second Century: The Road Ahead
Free Article: Get On the Air April 8 for the Solar Eclipse QSO Party; McKenzie Denton, KO4GLN
Second Century: Beware the Ides of March
Free Article: Common-Mode Current and Common-Mode Chokes; Larry Lamano, WAØQZY
Second Century: Keeping it Clean
Amateur Radio: Science in Action; Andrew "Jim" Danielson, AC9EZ; Jordan Marshall, NM9L, and Scott Bergeson
Second Century: The Genealogy of Amateur Radio
Free Article: "An Easy, Inexpensive Voice Keyer" by John S. Raydo, KØIZ
Second Century: Crossing the Digital Divide
Free Article: A Budget Code Practice Oscillator for Morse Code Learners; Mark H. Hoffman, KC3BNV
Editorial: Second Century: A Focus on Technicians
Free Article: Ham Radio in Virtual Reality; Oryx "Rucio" Gazella, KØRYX
Extra: Create an FCC CORES Account
Second Century: Celebrating Section Managers
Free Article: HamSCI Workshop 2023: A Radio Science Collaboration, by Gary Mikitin, AF8A
Extra: How to Renew Your License Online
Renew Your LIcense Online video
Editorial: Second Century: Participating in Science
Free Article: Digital Voice the Easy Way, by Ira Brodsky, KC9TC
Second Century: Terrible Tower Lessons
Article of the Month: Following in Marconi's Footsteps: Portable Operation at the Navesink Twin Lights; David Gold, N2MXX, and Glen Ramsay, KD2FFR
Editorial: Innovation in EmComm
Free Article: The National Traffic System -- A History and ARRL's Path Forward; Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, and Marcia Forde, KW1U
Second Century: When Collaboration WorksFree Article: The ARRL Clean Signal Initiative, Mike Ritz, W7VO
Editorial: Bouvet - A Very Tough Teacher
Free Article: FCC Exposure Rules Soon to Affect Every US Radio Amateur, Gregory Lapin, PhD, PE, N9GL
Editorial: Making a Big Decision -- Together
Free Article: A Coupled-Resonator HF Antenna, by Jay Taft, K1EHZ
Editorial: Exceptional Acceptance
Free Article: Measuring the Frequency Accuracy and Stability of WWV and WWVH, by Michael A. Lombardi, KØWWX
Editorial: Finding the "Why" that Leads You to Volunteer
Free Article: A Multi-Band End-Fed Antenna, Dan Wiley, W6AZI
Editorial: Farewell, 2022
Free Article: Preparing for Portable Opertion Abroad, Stuart Thomas, KC1HQS
Free Article: "Preparing Yourself to Teach a Ham Radio Class," by Dino Papas, KLØS
Free Article: Students Experience Amateur Radio in a Hands-On STEM Camp, by Joshua Reichard, K8KJR
Second Century: Lifelong Loyalty
Free article: Dual-Band Sloper for 60 and 17 Meters; Patrick Brannick, N2BZD
Second Century: A New Advocacy to Manage Risk
Free Article: The K4HRK ComBrella, by Bob Herklotz, K4HRK
Editorial: ARES vs. AUXCOMM: The conspiracy that Never Was
Free Article: Lightning Protection and Grounding Project at W2MMD, by Ron Block, NR2B
Editorial: Advancing Our Noble Cause
Free Article: Kid-Friendly Morse Code Key Project, by Bob Knoblauch, KA2TXX, and Michele Knoblauch, KD2BPN
Second Century: The Power of Nostalgia
Free article: An End-Fed Center-Fed 20-Meter Portable Antenna, Phil Salas, AD5X
Editorial: The Excitement is Back!
Free Article: "Tips for Setting Up Your Remote Station," by Richard Ladisky, WB1J
Editorial: "You think you're Mickey Spillane?"
Free Article: "The Heartbeat of the Shortwaves," by Jen Glifort, KC1KNL
Editorial: Second Century: Diversity and Inclusion: Driving Amateur Radio's Growth
Free Article: Meet the Mentor: A Virtual Mentorship Program, by Don Evans, K3ZR
Editorial: A Passion for Learning
Free Article: A Beginner's Guide for Silkscreen Printing Projects, by Douglas Smith, NZ8V
Editorial: One Year Down...The Future To Go!
Free Article: How the Transatlanic Test of 1921 Initiated International Amateur Radio Communication, by Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA
Free Article: The Beverage Antenna, 100 Years Later; Ward Silver, NØAX, and Frank Donovan, W3LPL
Free Article Grammy-Nominated Musician Raul Midón, AE3RM, Takes Radio on the Road, by Jim Millner, WB2REM, and Gene Hinkle, K5PA
Free Article Understanding the Changes to the FCC RF Exposure Rules, by Ed Hare, W1RFI
Free Article: A Simple Adaptable AGC Circuit for the Simple High-Frequency Communicaitons Receiver, by James Forkin, WA3TFS
Free Article: Rising Sunspot Numbers: It's Not All Good News by John Stanley, K4ERO
Free Article: How to Create a Boy Scout Troop of Hams, by Scott deMasi, KC5NKW, and David Godell, KG5VLY
Free Article: New Ham Kit: A Way for Clubs to Help Get New Hams on the Air, by Bryan Jackson, W2RBJ
Free Article: The Harris County ARES® NVIS Workshop, by Russell Richter, WP2AHG
Free Article: Sled Dogs and Ham Radio in the North Maine Woods, by Derrick Ouellette, KW1A
Free Article: Augment Your ARES® Mission with FirstNet® by Randy Richmond, W7HMT
Free Article: On-Line Club Meetings Ease Shelter-In-Place Isolation by Lee Chambers, KI7SS, and Phil Cornell, W7PLC
Free Article: Where Are They Now? The Novices of 1970 by Steve Ford, WB8IMY
Free Article: A Simple High-Frequency Communications Receiver by James Forkin, WA3TFS
Free Article: HD8M DXpedition to the Galapagos Islands by Jim Millner, WB2REM.
Member Spotlight: Scott Avery, KA4ZZQ
Free Article: Batteries for the Elecraft KX3 and Other Low-Power Radios by Eliot Mayer, W1MJ
Free Article: Amateur Radio at the World Scout Jamboree by Jim Wilson, K5ND
Free Article: A Compact 20-Meter Vertical Dipole for Stealth and Portable Applications by Steve Appleyard, G3PND
Free Article: State and Regional QSO Parties — Something for Everybody by Hal Kennedy, N4GG
Free Article: Protecting Shack Equipment from Electrostatic Discharge by Dino Papas, KLØS
Free Article: Positioning ARES for Serving in Today's World by Dave Isgur, N1RSN
Free Article: Wire Yagi for 40 Meters with a Suspension Harness by Andrew Siegel, N2CN
Free article: RF Treatment Offers Hope for Alzheimer’s Patients by Rick Lindquist, WW1ME
Free Article: The CIA, the Cold War, and Amateur Radio by Rick Lindquist, WW1ME
Free article: '"Force of 50' Makes its Mark on Puerto Rico" by Rick Lindquist, WW1ME
Click these links to see "Second Century," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- Second Century
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: Using a Drone for Antenna Installation at TI5W by Kam Sirageldin, N3KS
- Second Century
Click these links to see "Second Century," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- Second Century
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: Troubleshooting 101: Where’s the Buzz? by Steve Ford, WB8IMY
- Second Century
FREE Article: The Solar Eclipse QSO Party--Are You Ready? by Ward Silver, N0AX
Free Article: Satellite Roving in the Northwest Territories by Gabriel Zeifman, NJ7H/VE6NJH
Click these links to see "Second Century," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- Second Century
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: Lightning Protection for the Amateur Radio Operator's Home by Michael Chusid and Jennifer Morgan
- Second Century
Click these links to see "Second Century," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- Second Century
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: Bill Brown, WB8ELK: Master of
High-Altitude Balloon Projects by Jen Glifort
- Second Century
Click these links to see "Second Century," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- Second Century
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: Rebuilding the West Point Cadet Amateur Radio Club - W2KGY by Matthew Sherburne, KF4WZB
- Second Century
Click these links to see "Second Century," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- Second Century
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: "Jeri Ellsworth: The Challenge of Doing" by Becky R. Schoenfeld, W1BXY, QST Managing Editor
- Second Century
Click these links to see "Second Century," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- Second Century
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: A "Stedi" Road to Relicensing by Chris Brady, N3CB
- Second Century
Click these links to see "Second Century," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- Second Century
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: T42US Joint US/Cuban DXpedition 2015 by Jim Millner, WB2REM
Click these links to see "Second Century," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- Second Century
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: Arduino CW Trainer by Tom Lewis, N4TL
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: Parachute Mobile: In the Air, On the Air by Jen Glifort
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: Radios That Started and Ended the War in the Pacific by Hiroki Kato, AH6CY
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: The Irish Hurdy Gurdy Vintage Radio Museum by David Dary, W5ZAX
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: A Hundred Kids a Day by Steve Warford, WB4ZSC
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: The Value of ARRL Membership
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: Build A Rapid Deployment Radio Go-Box by Glen Popiel, KW5GP
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: "A Long Walk to Waterton" by Bob Kingery, AE7AP and Barb Kingery, AE7AQ
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: Teaching the Future with Ham Radio by Edith Lennon, N2ZRW
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: K9W -- Remembering the "Forgotten 98" by John Miller, K6MM and Lou Dietrich, N2TU
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: Special Veteran, Special Radio, Special Event by Richard Corrigan, N0RMC
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Feature Article - "Motors and Mechanisms in the Ham Shack" by Eric Nichols, KL7AJ
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: DXing Above the Jungle Canopy by Adrianne Morrill, KG7HYD, and Aaron Morrill, NA7AM
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Article: WRTC2014 by Randy Thompson, K5ZD
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Feature Article: The Transatlantic Tests
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Feature Article - "A Tiny Python Panadapter" by Martin Ewing, AA6E
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Feature Article - "Virtual Radar from a Digital TV Dongle" by Robert Nickels, W9RAN
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us," the Table of Contents and the Feature article from this month's issue.
- It Seems To Us
- Table of Contents
- Free Feature Article - "Colorado Flooding and Ham Radio: Public Service at its Finest" by Sean Kutzko, KX9X, ARRL Public Relations Manager
Click these links to see "It Seems to Us" and the Table of Contents from this month's issue.