Building a better and stronger ARRL together
ARRL is building a culture of IDEATION, a creative process for soliciting member ideas, categorizing and organizing them, determining the feasibility of each idea, prioritizing them based on metrics (such as impact, cost, time, ARRL resources, etc.), and then planning and executing them.
Member ideas regarding content, programs, products, projects, operating events, hobby and membership growth, and even volunteering are the lifeblood of ARRL. Your ideas are received, acknowledged, and put into the funnel for future consideration.
How can an idea be submitted?
You can either click on the LIGHT BULB below to open an email form, or expand the submission form to cut-and-paste it, complete it offline, and email or mail it to ARRL.
Thanks for reaching out with your idea!
Or copy-and-paste this form...+
Subject line: ARRL Ideation Form
First Name:
Last Name:
Call Sign:
Can ARRL contact you via email (Y/N):
Can ARRL contact you via phone (Y/N):
What is the title of your idea?
Describe your idea...
What primary goal will ARRL and its members achieve or enjoy through testing or trying your idea?
[email your completed form to]