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Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology

ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology


Teachers Institutes blue, black and silver logo.

The ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology is a donor-funded professional development program designed to help classroom teachers elevate their STEM programs through the use of wireless technology. As a part of the ARRL Education & Technology Program, several sessions are conducted each year, and the program continues to grow.Teachers Institute is filled with lectures, hands-on activities, and demonstrations to inspire teachers so they can inspire their students through the use of tools and strategies to introduce basic electronics, radio science, satellite communications, Amateur Radio, radio direction finding (fox hunting), weather science, microcontrollers, and electronic sensors to their students. Teachers are provided with the equipment needed to take wireless technology to their classrooms. If you, or someone you know, would like to support ARRL's mission to elevate STEM programs in schools, click here: DONATE TODAY or contact the ARRL Development Office at (860)594-0291

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Complete and submit this form for more information about the ARRL Teachers Institute on Wireless Technology. Please note, applicants must complete the full application that is linked below. This form simply requests information and to be notified when the application period opens. This form is NOT the application for Teachers Institute.

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2025 Applications and Brochure

Successful completion of TI-1: Introduction to Wireless Technology and being in possession of your own ham radio call sign are the only prerequisites to apply for any TI Elective listed below. All applicants must complete their application electronically (with the exception of a Cover Letter that will be emailed). If you submit your TI-1 application after the summer months submission deadline, you may only be eligible for the later October sessions. Please see below:

  • NEW! ONLY Local Louisiana teachers should apply to our TI-1 session from June 2-5 located in Lake Charles, LA with this LA JUNE APP


Summer 2025 TI sessions - June, July and August:

  • Application submission deadline is *April 30th, 2025*
  • Acceptance Date: TBD Acceptance will be confirmed via email provided on application.

October 2025 TI sessions:

  • Application submission deadline is August 31st, 2025
  • Acceptance Date: TBD Acceptance will be confirmed via email provided on application.

*Note: "TI-2: Remote Sensing and Data Analysis" has been revised and renamed TI Remote Sensors & Data Gathering. Additional new sections named TI Balloons and Amateur Radio and TI Space Comms & Radio Astronomy have also been added.

Programs of 2025
Location Dates
TI-1 Staten Island Local Teachers ONLY NY Jan
NEW! TI-1 Louisiana (Local Teachers ONLY)
LA June 2nd-5th
TI-1 Introduction to Wireless Technology Newington, CT June 9-12
TI Balloons and Amateur Radio Newington, CT June 16-19
TI Space Comms & Radio Astronomy Newington, CT June 23-26
TI Remote Sensors and Data Gathering Newington, CT New Dates: June 30-July 3
TI Balloons and Amateur Radio Newington, CT July 14-17
TI-1 Introduction to Wireless Technology Newington, CT July 21-24
TI Space Comms & Radio Astronomy Newington, CT July 28-31
TI-1 Introduction to Wireless Technology Newington, CT Aug 4-7
TI-1 Introduction to Wireless Technology Newington, CT Oct 6-9
TI-1 Introduction to Wireless Technology Newington, CT Oct 20-23

Travel and Reimbursement Guidelines

Cost: Teachers Institute opportunities are virtually free for the participants. The grant to attend a TI covers transportation, hotel, a modest per-diem to cover meals, instructional resources for the electronics, microcontroller, and robotics segments of the course, and a resource library of relevant ARRL publications. There is a $100 enrollment fee to attend Teachers Institute.

To qualify, applicants must be an active U.S. schoolteacher at an elementary, middle, high school or at a college or university, or in a leadership or enrichment instruction role in an after-school or collective homeschool program. An Amateur Radio license is NOT required for the introductory workshop (TI-1) but IS required for any TI Elective course.

Graduate credits: Graduate credits are available through Fresno Pacific University upon completion of the TI-1 or TI Elective programs. These credits can be used to satisfy professional growth requirements to maintain teaching credentials. The class is self-contained and participants are expected to be able to complete all requirements during the class time. Graduate credit information may then be requested at the end of the Teachers Institute.

Professional Development Opportunity: Teachers Institute opportunities are virtually free for the participants.The grant to attend a TI Two teachers set their BOE-BOT programmable robot vehicles loose on the hallway obstacle course during the 2004 Teachers Institute.covers transportation, hotel, a modest per-diem to cover meals. Instructional resources for the electronics and microcontroller segments of the course and a resource library of relevant ARRL publications are provided to participants of the introductory Teachers Institute (TI-1). Hands-on instructional resources and equipment applicable to the topic of the advanced Teachers Institiute Electives are also provided through donations to the Education & Technology Program Fund and through in-kind contributions from our industry partners. A $100 enrollment fee is required.

Review the Teachers Institute agendas linked below for more detailed information.Travel and Reimbursement Guidelines.

Register with us to receive updates and notifications about our Education & Technology Program opportunities.

NEW! Teachers Institute Brochure

"Let's Solve This."

Not too long ago ExxonMobil launched a TV ad campaign titled “Let’s Solve This” with the focus on the need for more investment in teacher training to improve US student performance. The “Let’s Solve This” campaign cites research that shows that students that are taught by teachers with a deeper understanding of the subject out-perform those students taught by less capable teachers. Therefore, “we need to invest in our teachers as a means to improved student performance.”   

There has been a resurgence and aggressive emphasis upon STEM education in response to numerous economic challenges we face from our overseas economic competitors in high technology industries. Now it is being recognized that STEM instruction needs to focus on the connection between science and mathematics and engineering and technology, rather than a more compartmentalized focus on these content areas independently. It is the teacher’s role to make these connections for students. To do so, teachers need to know the science and math content and understand the technologies in use in sufficient detail to make the connections for their students…thus, now the recognition of the core problem identified in the “Let’s Solve This” campaign. 

Several photographs from different Teachers Institute sessions. Teachers are doing radio activites inside the classroom at tables and others are using antennas outside.

The ARRL ETP has identified this problem and has been doing what we can do to address it by offering the Teachers Institute (TI) over the past 15+ years. From the first pilot TI conducted in 2004, and each year thereafter, this in-service training program supported entirely by generous philanthropic donations, continues to evolve and flourish.

The Teachers Institute is only the beginning of a participant's exploration with wireless technology. The goal of the TI program is to equip each schoolteacher with necessary foundational knowledge, and through hands-on learning, generate the inspiration for teachers to continue to explore wireless technology and adapt relevant content into their classroom instruction.

This training serves as excellent foundational preparation for schoolteachers interested in including classroom learning about radio communications and wireless technology as part of student preparation for participation in the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) program.

An instructor is helping Teachers Institute participants at a table inside ARRL headquarters.

  • Teachers Institute Agenda

    Each Teachers Institute covers a core of topics, while tailoring instruction as much as possible... Read More

    Teachers Institute Agenda

  • Meet our Instructors

    Read short bios about our ETP instructors. Read More

    Meet our Instructors

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