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PIO Handbook

The PIO Handbook- replaced by PR-101

As Yogi Berra is credited with saying, "The future ain't what it used to be!" 

News gathering, media needs and Amateur Radio have changed dramatically in the past decade.  The rise of electronic media, citizen journalism, blogs and other outlets not even imagined even a few years ago has led to the retirement of the material in the PIO Handbook - it was outdated. The new PR-101 course has current information.

PR-101 can be used both as an actual class -complete with a final exam if you wish to be included with the "ARRL Trained PIOs" who have successfully completed the course. For more information about the PR-101 course CLICK HERE


You can download the materials below and and simply save them as a reference handbook.

PR-101 download


This is a large, zipped file that can be downloaded to use as a reference.


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