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Preferred paddle techniques for letter formation Jun 1st 2018, 07:25 3 10,239 on 2/6/18

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Preferred paddle techniques for letter formation 1000015445H80 on 2/6/18
Thanks for the link, much appreciated. I find it ironic that in his table of keying for letters and numbers he omitted the letter W, the one I used in my example.
Preferred paddle techniques for letter formation 1000015445H80 on 1/6/18
I use a paddle with an iambic keyer for CW, and have often wondered if there is a standard or preferred technique for letter formation. For instance, when sending a W I can press both paddles, immediately release the dit paddle, then the dah paddle. Result: ._ _ Or I can press the dit paddle only, shift my fingers so that I simultaneously release the dit paddle and engage the dah paddle. Same result: ._ _

There are many letters that can be sent in more than one way like this. Is there a standard or recommended way, or is this just personal preference?

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