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Filling out a QSL card when away from home Nov 19th 2016, 00:19 3 10,091 on 21/11/16

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Filling out a QSL card when away from home KC1GNY on 21/11/16
Thanks, Martin AA6E, I just ordered some cards with a mobile designation section.

Jake kc1gny
Filling out a QSL card when away from home KC1GNY on 19/11/16
Hello All,

I just made my first QSO but I operate mobile in a lot of cases. I have in mind to send the gentleman a QSL card, so I need to purchase some.

I know that on many cards we put our address down, but that doesn't seem very useful if operating away from our address.

I feel like I should leave the address blank and fill in my current grid square each time before I send a QSL card.

What do you think?

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