Contact Information
- Club Name:
- Call Sign:
- Contact:
- Polly P. Smith KG7DPO
- Daytime Phone:
- (208) 553-6022
- Email:
- info3riversarc@gmail.com
Basic Information
- Call Sign:
- Annual Report:
- Feb 07th 2025
- Meeting Time:
- Second Tuesday of each month at 1830 hours
- Meeting Place:
- East Kamiah KOA 4243 Highway 12Kamiah, ID 83536
- Section:
- ID
- Affiliation Date:
- May 21st 2023
- Specialties:
- General Interest, Public Service/Emergency, VHF/UHF
- Services Offered:
- Hamfest, License Test Sessions, Mentor, Repeater
- Description:
3 Rivers Amateur Radio Club
We are an American Radio Relay League (ARRL) affiliated amateur radio club located in North Central Idaho.
Our members are from Idaho, Lewis, and Clearwater counties.
Club meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM at the East Kamiah KOA, 4243 Hwy 12 in the former cafe. The KOA is 2-miles east of Kamiah, Idaho.
Each Tuesday, except for the 2nd Tuesday when our meetings are held, we conduct a Net on frequency 146.620, -600 offset, 88.6 Hz tone. All licensed Hams are invited to participate.
We conduct a simplex net each Tuesday after our repeater net. The simplex net is conducted on frequency 146.5400. All licensed hams are welcome.
3 Rivers Amateur Radio Club offers license testing. Contact info3riversarc@gmail.com for information.
- Links:
- http://3riversarc.club
Club Statistics
- Club Members:
- 50
- Voting Members:
- 50
- Voting Licensed Amateur Members:
- 50
- Voting ARRL Members:
- 28
3 RIVERS ARC Officers
Contact, Secretary
Polly P. Smith KG7DPO -
Don Mabee KW7DWM -
Brian K. Davis AB7ID -
Vice President
Dean A. Quackenbush KE7CIU
Affiliation Certificate (1.3 MB)