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Cabrillo Format Jun 30th 2014, 00:08 3 9,235 on 2/7/14

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Cabrillo Format KB0LP on 2/7/14
The tutorial assumes you are using a logging program. However, I figured it out myself. The robot will accept text files from Notepad. So I pasted in the template, corrected the information and then pasted in my log from my spreadsheet.
Cabrillo Format KB0LP on 30/6/14
Although I have been a ham for many years, I am new to contesting. It appears to me that the only way to submit an electronic contest entry is in the Cabrillo format and the only way to do that is to buy a contest logging program.
I have been maintaining my personal log in spreadsheet format and have not been able to find enough information on Cabrillo to do the conversion. None of the web sites give the format. Is it text, csv, or what?
I know that the League has been using Cabrillo for a long time but I am surprised that it still seems to be available only as proprietary software.

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