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Running a Flex 1500 SDR with a Kenwood TS2000 Mar 19th 2012, 17:53 1 7,628 on 19/3/12

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Running a Flex 1500 SDR with a Kenwood TS2000 2000138296H80 on 19/3/12
I'm thinking of using a Flex-1500 QRP rig as a "second" receiver with my main station's Kenwood TS-2000 using DX Lab Suites' COMMANDER control software. Several years ago, I set up rig control via a microHAM USB II box that works very well with COMMANDER software. Two questions pop up for me:

Q1) How can I protect the front end of the Flex 1500 when I transmit via the TS-2000, assuming the same antenna coax is fed to both rigs?

Q2) How do I make the TS-2000 and Flex 1500 "track" together, so that clicking on a signal via the Flex software GUI will QSY the TS-2000?

I intend to use the Flex 1500 strictly as a panadaptor at my shack at this time.

73, K1SEZ... Paul Ciezniak

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