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K9BAR, 'Libraries on the Air' (LOTA) Event Jul 31st 2018, 13:18 1 9,204 on 31/7/18

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K9BAR, 'Libraries on the Air' (LOTA) Event N9LH on 31/7/18
The Bolingbrook Amateur Radio Society (aka BARS) is sponsoring a new community Public Outreach, Information, and Demonstration Event — Libraries On the Air (LOTA) — will be
held on Saturday - August 4, 2018 - from 9:00 AM until 12 noon - at the Fountaindale Public Library, located at 300 West Briarcliff Road in Bolingbrook. This special event is a new Public Outreach, Information, and Demonstration Event. Where BARS members will be operating radios "On the Air"
to demonstrate what Amateur Radio Communication is all about. There will be a variety of Radio Euipment on hand to demonstrate and operate in different operating modes.

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