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Field Day scoring question Jun 1st 2012, 17:35 2 8,483 on 4/6/12

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Field Day scoring question W4HH on 1/6/12
I plan to operate Field Day QRP battery-powered, battery charged by a solar panel, no commercial mains used at any time (battery has never been charged off commercial mains). Everything will run off the battery -- rig; small lamp as needed; no computer, will log by hand. The rig is a K2 at 5 watts.

As I read the FD rules, I will be Class B-Battery. My exchange should be "B VA" (Class B, Virginia). I assume there's a place on the log submission to indicate B-Battery when I submit my log.

My question is about multiplier and bonus points.

FD rules paragraph 7.2.1 says, if your power is 5 watts or less, multiply your score by 5. I get the 5X multiplier.

I'm confused by paragraphs 7.3.1 and 7.3.

-- Paragraph 7.3.1: If all your transmitters are powered by something other than commercial mains, add 100 points per transmitter up to a max of 20 xmtrs. I'll have one xmtr.
-- Paragraph 7.3.8: This awards another 100 points for "alternative power."

Does this mean I get 200 bonus points -- all transmitters powered by emergency power, AND, 100 points for "alternative power?"

Or, do I get only one 100 point bonus for "alternative power?"


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