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Topic Created Posts Views Last Activity
malware,ect SSTV software Mar 3rd 2015, 17:47 1 8,936 on 3/3/15
home built 300 or 450 ohm Mar 3rd 2015, 17:41 4 8,197 on 11/5/16
All U Lucky Bird Op's Oct 31st 2014, 17:37 2 13,677 on 12/6/19
15m 3/4wave portable gives10m-40m Jul 25th 2014, 21:40 1 8,073 on 25/7/14
two db-224A's on a repeater tower question Jul 13th 2014, 01:23 4 7,869 on 14/7/14
"Hindrances" examples Feb 6th 2014, 21:17 1 8,348 on 6/2/14
Longwire 600 ohm terminating resistor HB Aug 5th 2012, 22:23 2 9,187 on 6/8/12
using 2-160M loop fed by the same feedline Jul 24th 2012, 21:22 1 8,831 on 24/7/12
50.290 psk-31 Jun 3rd 2012, 15:06 1 14,151 on 3/6/12
6m SSB w/300 ohm feedline and a TV balun Mar 2nd 2012, 01:29 1 8,819 on 2/3/12

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home built 300 or 450 ohm 0001582470H80 on 5/3/15
Thanks, we will strip the shield and use the center conductor for other antenna projects.Since, it was bound for a landfill, I will put it to use.
malware,ect SSTV software 0001582470H80 on 3/3/15
We have attempted on several occasions to download SSTV software online. Each time , our security program quarantines the files and prevents a successful download. Are there any safe SSTV programs obtainable?
home built 300 or 450 ohm 0001582470H80 on 3/3/15
We stumbled onto several rolls of common CATV coax with wire shield and want to build 300 ohm and 450 ohm line with it. This feed line will be inside a steel building with 48 feet to the exit of the feed line .With velocity factor and db losses as common coax use , can we convert this stuff to shielded 300 or 450ohm and expect the same performance as what is sold on the shelves ? We are using it on 160m , 80m , and 40m sky loops.
Tuning a antron 99 ant to ten meters AG5FP on 30/12/14
I use the Solarcon A-99 for weak signal digital on 10m,12m,15m, and 17m. I also have used a tuner at 20m with this antenna. I would not cut the antenna . I would use the tuning rings and leave the length intact. Simple hook up the swr meter and raise or lower the rings. It seems broad banded enough if you leave it intact. This way you have addition bands without destroying the antenna. I tuned mine to 12m and it work well.
All U Lucky Bird Op's 0001582470H80 on 31/10/14
I live in en22ha and the entire portion of the satellite band on 2m is ruined by trucking companies, farmers and custom field services. Feel lucky you do not live in Iowa.Where all your work setting up has been spoiled by unlicensed users. Besides business farm operations on 145.945 , 145.835 and145.845, even the Experimental portion is being invaded. Enjoy while you can !

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