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Media Projector RFI source on 20m Feb 24th 2016, 03:01 2 6,472 on 25/2/16

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Media Projector RFI source on 20m NQ0T on 24/2/16
I have been plagued with a severe RFI problem every since I moved into this home. I bought the home with an installed Optoma media projector.

The problem: Broadband interference (noise) at S8 on 20m from end to end. Similar on other bands, diminishing at longer wavelengths. The 40m band was not nearly as bad.

How I found it: Set a cell phone on the radio connected via facetime with another cell phone. Started shutting off breakers. Oops!, Don't shut off the router and internet and loose facetime :-) When I shut off the breaker to the media room the noise stopped....AWESOME!!! Went up the media room and started unplugging things until I found the Optoma projector to be the culprit.

Short term fix: unplugged the projector. Ham radio rules!

Long term fix: searched the web. Nothing found tied to projectors. Open to suggestions on what is causing and how to fix.

Hope this helps others. I'm thrilled to have a more respectable noise level again. Able to hear signals on 20m again.

73 de NQ0T, Robert

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