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Joined: Sat, Jun 10th 2017, 06:50 Roles: N/A Moderates: N/A

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K1FM's HF Magnetic Loop QST May 2019 Apr 20th 2020, 04:55 1 5,189 on 20/4/20
DMR ID Registration Jun 24th 2019, 15:03 5 8,912 on 16/9/20

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K1FM's HF Magnetic Loop QST May 2019 pal on 20/4/20
I am thinking about building this HF Magnetic Loop from PVC Pipe using Bare Copper Wire as the Exciter loop. Ideas for alternate 3D parts would be appreciated. I need to have the HF Magnetic as portable as possible for traveling and local contesting. Thanks.
DMR ID Registration pal on 24/6/19
There are a few DRM websites for registration and getting a number. However, I am not sure what website is legitimate. Any recommendation on website for DMR ID Registration

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