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DMR MOTO TRBO Feb 13th 2016, 21:40 7 9,819 on 21/7/16

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DMR MOTO TRBO LeeSmith on 10/3/16
Thanks I had the code plug done by the dealer. I do also have worldwide presence but you have to by a repeater to be involved with that. Caught a world wide net at 1PM EST heading into NYC on Sunday--pretty neat.
DMR MOTO TRBO LeeSmith on 13/2/16
I purchase a Tytera MD-380, fantastic radio right? Digital awesome right? Well, I live in the most densely populated state in the country, by New York city. But I live in an island, Wanaque, NJ, because there is no active repeater I can hit.

With an analog radio you could just tune around, you can't do that with these digital things, it all comes from the code plug.

Now, if that isn't a big enough problem I went into NYC during Christmas. There are like 8 or 9 DMR repeaters in New York City. I found activity of 2 guys on one channel, that was it! I realize New York isn't filled with Hams but that tells me NO ONE IS ON DMR!

Anyone else have this same experience?

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