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New Amateur Frequency Usage? Jun 6th 2020, 21:16 3 7,126 on 17/6/20

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New Amateur Frequency Usage? wa6lzh on 6/6/20
I didn't find an exact match for my post so here I am. Sorry if I am taking up bandwidth.

I am mainly a CW and data user. Recently I fired up one or two of my old but venerable radios on forty meters. At the time I was using my Drake TR-7 on forty meters. I was happy the Sunspot showed up and there was some fairly good propagation.

In two off my my QSO's I was told but not rudely, that I was 50 cycles ( Oh excuse me I mean Hertz I thought they were a Car Rental?) and Although S-9+ I was not readable.

I've been a Radio Amateur for 63 years now and I had never heard of such a thing as requiring to be on a ,00 frequency. I have a suspicion that there is no real loss of intelligibility and of course most any radio has an RIT control especially the newer ones.

Other than my complaining will someone tell me that this is just a preference and not a rule or regulation or better practice if so as lot of Drake, Collins, Swans, Hall ete etc are going to be obsolete.

I doubt that a friends voice is intelligible enough to identify the person most of the time even if dead on frequency.

Maybe I'm wrong but I can learn.

Tony WA6LZH used to be WA2LBY in NYC

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