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New Lab Oscilloscope Apr 25th 2015, 17:37 1 7,162 on 25/4/15

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New Lab Oscilloscope N1KWC on 25/4/15
In the March issue of QST under Happenings, an article referred to the acquisition of a new Tektronics MDO4104B-3 oscilloscope which will replace a TDS3052B. No doubt this increases capabilities to a great extent. However, I question the reliability of this new instrument. The performance verification procedure for the TDS is 2 ½ pages, for the MDO it is 20 pages for the scope plus another 6 for the spectrum analyzer function. The equivalent Agilent/Keysight scope, DSOX5052A (without an analyzer option) is 2 pages. In my opinion Tek should be able to make a scope reliable enough not to need what appears to be excess yearly testing. If it needs this how reliable is it during the 1 year period between calibrations? I have question Tek on this and have not received what I would call a satisfactory answer.
Just wondering if anyone else has notice this and has a reasonable explanation or has seen any other manufacturers requiring this much performance testing.

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