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Log Submission ... verification ????

Nov 19th 2013, 17:42


Joined: Jul 3rd 2013, 11:20
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Hey guys,
I submitted my SS log right after the contest ended Sunday. Should I have received a verification e-mail acknowledging the log ? I sent an e-mail to ARRL asking them but have not heard back yet :(

I guess I am used to most other contests. When you submit a log you get and almost instant e-mail response letting you know that they received your log and it was formatted properly.

Just curious,
Nov 19th 2013, 21:01


Joined: Apr 6th 1998, 00:00
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I got an email back from the Contest Robot in about 3 minutes verifying receipt of the log.

Doug - K1ZO
Nov 19th 2013, 21:52


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I sent mine Monday afternoon to

and got a reply in a minute. The confirmation email allows you to double check details like you entry category and club competition name--you can resubmit it until you get it right...

Zack W1VT
Nov 20th 2013, 00:10


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Well, my call is listed on the received logs list but I still did not get an e-mail ? Sent it again this evening, will see what happens.
Nov 21st 2013, 21:05


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The content may trigger some SPAM filter--it is an automated response, after all. If you don't find it in a junk mail folder--here is what the contest log submission page suggests:

If you submitted your entry electronically and do not find your log listed, first please check to see that you received back a numbered receipt from the ARRL Contest Robot. If you have a numbered receipt and your log does not appear within several hours, please contact with your receipt number and they will look into the matter during regular ARRL business hours.
Nov 26th 2015, 04:21


Joined: Nov 18th 2013, 06:59
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Sorta on topic...
I submitted the Nov SS log with "None" in the club name spot; received a "Not Recognized" message from the robot, even though "None" is on the list of accepted club names. (I used N1MM+ to generate).
So, I resent the log with just blanks in the club name spot, and the robot took it.
Anyone else have this happen?

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