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RF Exposure Calculator

May 20th, 13:21

Joined: Sep 11th 2015, 21:43
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I got my technicians end of May so I really don't know anything about amateur radio so I have a question I need opinions on.
I have my Yeasu FTM 300 D and a mobile antenna in the office.
HOA says no antennas.
I used the ARRL RF exposure calculator and it says I should be a minimum of 3.5966 ft away from the antenna, I am 6 ft. away from it.
Right now I just monitor, little transmitting.
So I should be peachy keen & safe from any adverse health hazard, correct?
Thank you in advance.
May 21st, 18:15


Joined: Oct 23rd 2020, 15:14
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I trust the ARRL RF exposure calculator for my own use. If you worry about too much RF in the shack you can set your radio for low power (5 Watts). That is plenty of power much of the time.


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