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Antenna Switch

Mar 19th 2022, 14:46

Joined: May 22nd 2021, 13:42
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I would like to use my 70cm base antenna, at times, with my GMRS base transceiver. As human error is a possibility, I want to make sure my 70cm transceiver does not have an open antenna when switched to the GMRS. This is for the chance that the 70cm transmit is keyed while the antenna is switched to GMRS and visa-versa. I realize that the best antenna option is to have two antennas, but living in a regulated residential area I would like to minimize the off chance a neighbor will complain. Thank you in advance.
I am looking for a switch that will place a dummy load on transceiver that is not connected to antenna.
Mar 20th 2022, 07:39


Super Moderator

Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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A transfer switch can be used to do that. Make sure it is rated to cover 70 b cm. There may be something on ebay. Quality switches are typically made for military applications and sold to hams on the surplus market.

Zak W1VT
ARRL Senior Lab Engineer

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