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DirecTV TVI...also posted in General Discussion

Nov 2nd 2011, 16:57


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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Recently, I made the mistake of asking my next-door neighbor if he has ever experienced any problems with my fairly QRO HF station, 160-10M....

My attempts to be a good neighbor have deteriorated.

He has a recent DirecTV install, which I can trash with as little as 50W, let alone a KW. He appears to have a properly terminated ground block, but so far hasn't let me have a look at his equipment roster. I have read the forum for amateur interference with respect to DirecTV and DishNet, and suspect that the current line of DVRs and other such devices are shoddy when it comes to front end overload and desensing from almost any source north of DC, frequency-wise.

I certainly didn't expect to start WW3 with the guy. So far he hasn't seen fit to even imagine I have any grounds for not being QRT.

Anybody else in my boat?

George Hollis, K9ZU, Brunswick, MD

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