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QST App on Android

Jan 14th 2019, 08:30


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
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First, if this is posted in the wrong place, mods please move it.

What is the deal with the app? I have not had issues with the app for nearly a year, but starting with the February 2019 issue of QST there seems to be a bug with downloading the magazine.

The progress spinner (0-100%) seems to move much quicker after starting the download, but once the issue is "downloaded", only the first dozen or so pages appear. Reading any further into the magazine results in an indefinite spinning circle.

And, yes, I've tried all the usual stuff to resolve, including clearing the app cache and date (loosing my downloaded magazines), rebooting the device, and even uninstalling and reinstalling the app from the Google Play store. No dice.

I can go back and redownload the January and prior issues fine. Either something is wrong with the February 2019 issue, or some changes have been made on the server side that has borked the content.

Anyone else having issues? Can I get someone on the ARRL staff to respond?

Jan 14th 2019, 14:53


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Please contact our member services team at or call 860-594-0200 or 1-888-277-5289 (toll-free US only) M-F 8:00 AM-5:00 PM ET. For answers to more technical questions about digital QST, please contact

Devices running KitKat (4.4) or later will be able to use the Digital QST on Android.

The ARRL buys this service from Pagesuite, as it is impractical to hire staff to keep updating Apps for all the different devices unless you have a huge circulation like Reader's Digest or National Geographic.

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