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August 2015 QST - Audio Amp for Hearing Impaired

Jul 29th 2015, 02:37


Joined: May 18th 2010, 00:24
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I just built two of these amplifiers based on Bill Kaune's great design. d and adds a real punch to your audio output.

I purchased PCBs from ExpressPCB, they were fast and the boards are high quality. I choose to have production PCBs made to include solder ask and silk screening. A bit higher cost than prototype boards but worth it from a build and reliability standpoint.

This is a well designed project which is easy to kit and easy to build. Bill was very responsive to a few questions I had.

Be ready to pan for part substitutes, quite a few of the components were out of stock at Digikey. I was able to pick replacementt components easily and it was a one stop shop and kitting project.


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