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Ignition noise 2013 Silverado

Jun 6th 2014, 17:52


Joined: Apr 4th 1998, 00:00
Total Topics: 0
Total Posts: 0
1. Added 2nd battery to vehicle on driver side of engine compartment
2. twisted power leads between battery and radio
3. ferrite beads on pos & neg power cables on main battery
4. ferrite beads on pos & neg power cables on 2nd battery at battery and at radio
5. ferrite beads on antenna coax at radio and antenna base
6. ferrite beads on each of the 2 fan motors
7. ferrite beads (mix 30) on spark plug wires (8) between plug and coil
8. grounded radio to frame
9. grounded antenna base to frame
10. braided ground straps between hood and body both sides of engine compartment
11. braided ground straps between body and truck box both sides of vehicle
12. braided ground strap between truck box and frame
13. braided ground strap between exhaust pipe and frame

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