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Amateur Radio Grants

Grants to Amateur Radio Organizations

NEW_ARRL_Foundation_Logo_WEB.gifThe ARRL Foundation grants program awards limited funding to organizations for eligible amateur radio related projects and initiatives, particularly those with a focus on educating, licensing, and supporting Amateur Radio activities.  Youth-based projects and initiatives are especially encouraged. The ARRL Foundation grants program accepts proposals on a cyclical model three times a year.

Grant proposals are accepted from:

  • February 1 - February 28
  • June 1 - June 30
  • October 1 - October 31

All proposals will be reviewed by the Grant Committee at the close of each cycle. Once the Committee agrees on the proposals to fund, they will be sent to the full Foundation Board for a formal vote. Awardees will be notified approximately one month after the closing of each cycle.

Eligibility and Guidelines

  • Grant requests for emergency communications equipment, facilities, or projects will not be considered.
  • Grant requests for ongoing operations or expenses will not be considered.
  • Only programs and initiatives conducted within the United States are eligible for consideration.
  • Proposals for projects with a high likelihood of sustainability or expansion are encouraged and preferred.
  • Proposals for projects with demonstrated support of the local amateur radio community or clubs are encouraged and preferred.
  • Grants are awarded only to organizations, not individuals.
  • Awarded grants generally do not exceed $3,000.
  • The ARRL Foundation may elect to fund a qualified proposal in its entirety or partially at its sole discretion.
  • It is rare for the ARRL Foundation to award an extension to a previously issued grant.
  • The ARRL Foundation does not wish to be the sole funder of a proposal and gives preference to groups that provide evidence of other successful fundraising conducted prior to proposal submission.

ARRL Foundation grants are awarded from its General Fund or one of the following special sources:

Victor C. Clark Youth Incentive Fund

CW Operators Educational Fund

The Alfred E. Friend, Jr., W4CF Educational Activities Fund

The Keith Pugh Education to Promote Amateur Radio Fund

The Keith Pugh Satellite Projects Fund

Questions regarding grant proposals, eligibility, or contributions to the ARRL Foundation may be directed by email to


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