Motorola Amateur Radio Club of Arizona

Contact Information
- Club Name:
- Motorola Amateur Radio Club of Arizona
- Call Sign:
- Contact:
- Norm Johnson AA7OO
- Daytime Phone:
- (480) 278-2886
- Evening Phone:
- (480) 278-2886
- Email:
Basic Information
- Call Sign:
- Annual Report:
- Jul 15th 2023
- Meeting Time:
- 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM
- Meeting Place:
- Denny's Tempe, 4403 S. Rural Rd., Tempe, Arizona 85282
- Section:
- AZ
- Affiliation Date:
- Jul 19th 1994
- Specialties:
- Contest, Digital Modes, DX, General Interest, Public Service/Emergency, Repeaters, VHF/UHF
- Services Offered:
- License Test Sessions, Mentor, Packet Radio BBS, Repeater
- Description:
MARCA, Inc is a 501.c.3 Non-Profit Corporation. It has historical roots as Motorola Amateur Radio Club of Arizona (MARCA). Today MARCA is open to all Licensed Hams, Arizona Hams, and those interested in Amateur Radio. Members include just about everyone, local hams residing in Arizona, what we call 'winter visitors' and 'snowbirds' calling Arizona home for the winter, summer visitors (they really do exist), and those interested in participating or supporting any of the club's activities. The majority of our members are in the Phoenix Metro area.
Some of our activities include opereating & maintaining about 2 dozen repeaters located on Central Arizona mountain tops and some around the 'greater Phoenix valley'; repeater modes such as FM Voice, mountain top APRS, packet, and digital voice; expandinding our experiences into new types of repeaters, such as Dstar & Fusion with internet; Participating in ARRL Field Day ; ARRL FMT contests; Antenna construction, including mountain top tower climbing (amazing views). Members have special interests and either as individually or start focus groups in special interest activities suchas Voice, Digital, CW, DXing, Digital HF modes, MESH, and EOC operations around the valley, including contesting; and not to forget exploring interesting 'technology' for 'technologies' sake; SDR radio building & operations; SDR, WSPR, WSJT and operations like Echolink and Allstar computer based system building, prompting SBC (single board computer programing).
W7MOT can be heard on the air during Field Day. Operating as "W7MOT 2A ARIZONA", "Off the Grid", at 7,600ft somewhere in the mountains near Forest Lakes, Arizona. We operate Voice, CW, Packet, and Digital ... "Operator's Choice". This is a very active and fun activity. As many know, planning starts at the end of the "Last year's Field Day" and continues to the "This year's Field Day". This club event is open to all wanting to learn more about Amateur Radio and Field Day. It's very much a Family Friendly event. As a contest, we do OK. We invite any visitor the opprotunity to "Get On the Air" and experience an exciting part of Ham Radio.
- Links:
Club Statistics
- Club Members:
- 41
- Voting Members:
- 34
- Voting Licensed Amateur Members:
- 34
- Voting ARRL Members:
- 31
Motorola Amateur Radio Club of Arizona Officers
Contact, Treasurer
Norm Johnson AA7OO -
Ray M. Vasquez K4RMV -
Paul T. Bennett KD7KDO -
Vice President
Tom Morrisey KE7TM -
Clark E. Jones KI7TU